Please see below for a list of commonly asked questions:
The project includes both reduction and removal credits. Buyers seeking to purchase credits from the project can contact TNC to inquire if credits are available.
A review of the TN SWAP revealed 21 terrestrial and 78 aquatic species of conservation priority on the property.
At the beginning of 2023, the University of Tennessee Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries became the School of Natural Resources. The forestry and wildlife and fisheries programs are included in the new school (link). There is a new Masters program (link)… Professors in this program are currently working to integrate the carbon project into their classes. A permanent carbon plot is located at the Arboretum and will be visited and utilized by professors in the department for their classes.
The UT FRREC has water draining into ten HUC 12 watersheds. These watersheds support 7 counties in Tennessee including populated city centers such as Oak Ridge and Knoxville. Forests gather and purify rainwater, releasing it slowly into streams and rivers that drain into our drinking water sources.